Reducing risks

There is no vaccine to prevent colorectal cancer.

This because there are no identified causes for the disease, contrary to what happens for example with measles and flu, which are caused by microorganisms. 

There are, however, factors known to increase the chance of colon and rectal cancer. By reducing exposure to them, it is possible to reduce the risk of cancer substantially.

In people with an average chance of colorectal cancer (general population), prevention includes as well the identification of the risk factors

To diminish the risk of colorectal cancer you should:

  • Attend the recommended screenings (starting at the age of 50) 
  • Limit alcohol consumption
  • Keep a healthy weight
  • Increase vegetable, fruit and fiber consumption 
  • Reduce red meat and fat consumption
  • Exercise
  • Do not smoke

 Early detection , especially among high-risk individuals is also a crucial measure to prevent the development of disease.

Related links:

Early detection
High-risk individuals

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